In a groundbreaking collaboration, Diesel, the iconic Italian lifestyle and fashion brand, along with self-proclaimed “metafashion retailer” DressX, have created an exclusive collection for the Meta Avatars Store, which enables fans to dress their avatars in virtual versions of Diesel’s denim jackets, jeans, contemporary streetwear, and sneakers. This innovative venture not only reflects Diesel’s ongoing commitment to digital innovation but also represents a significant step towards the convergence of real and virtual worlds, a trend that is reshaping the fashion industry as we know it.
The collection, a blend of signature Diesel aesthetics and the latest styles, features 10 looks that mirror physical Diesel products, digitally rendered by DressX. This allows enthusiasts to showcase their avatars wearing Diesel’s virtual attire on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and Quest VR. The first drop includes five DressX x Diesel looks, with more planned for release in the coming weeks.
While this is Diesel‘s inaugural foray into Meta’s store with its digital denim, the brand is no stranger to the world of digital goods. It has previously been involved in several NFT projects, and its parent company, OTB Group, has been a significant advocate for the fashion metaverse. OTB even established a dedicated company, Brave Virtual Xperience (BVX), two years ago to propel its virtual initiatives forward.
This collaboration reflects the increasing blur between the real and virtual worlds, placing digital goods in uncharted territory. Although the “metaverse” buzzword may have lost some of its initial hype, various stakeholders, including long-term investors, tech platforms, brands, gamers, and other consumers, continue to drive momentum behind avatar development, wearables, and similar digital goods. This is crucial for the fashion industry, as fashion is often a direct expression of identity in every realm.
According to Polaris Market Research, the global digital avatar market, valued at $12.89 billion last year, is anticipated to reach a staggering $506.46 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate of approximately 44.4 percent between now and then.
DressX founders Daria Shapovalova and Natalia Modenova expressed their commitment to this digital future, stating, “This collection is a testament to our commitment to bringing the most renowned fashion brands to the metaverse and giving a world-class experience to the digitally native customers developing avatar-commerce.”
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