Barbershop meets the fashion with Puma x Rhuigi's newest release

Barbershop meets the fashion with Puma x Rhuigi’s newest release

August 16, 2023

In the world of fashion collaborations, Puma‘s partnership with Rhuigi Villaseñor, the mastermind behind Rhude, has consistently delivered fresh and enigmatic statements. And this time, the Puma x Rhuigi tandem brings forth a striking new collection, infused with the nostalgic spirit of barbershop corners and local heroes.

When you think of barbershops, you’re immediately transported to a world of spinning poles, the rhythmic hum of clippers, and the comforting scent of aftershave. It’s a community space, where every patron has a story, every chair has a history. Now, imagine capturing that essence and translating it into fashion. That’s precisely what Puma and Rhuigi achieve with their latest barbershop-inspired collection.

Barbershop meets the fashion with Puma x Rhuigi's newest release

The soul of New York City’s boroughs and their cornerstones has been the heartbeat of the Puma x Rhuigi collaboration. The fifth drop of their joint venture celebrates the unsung heroes and hidden tales of these neighborhoods. And how do they do it? By ushering us into the iconic world of barbershops.

This collection features barbershop-inspired gear, from specially crafted crests and insignias to the premium take on the iconic Puma Clyde. Sit down in the barber’s chair and lace up these revamped Clydes with their razor-sharp matching set – a collared shirt, track jacket, shorts, and a cap that bears the distinctive blue and pink pinstripes, exuding a blend of preppiness and classic allure.

Barbershop meets the fashion with Puma x Rhuigi's newest release

But it’s not just about the clothing. The Clyde sneakers, with their tumbled leather upper and overstated tongue, boldly declare their identity with the Puma name. Adding to their unique charm is the fuzzy suede that outlines the Puma Formstrip, presenting a tactile experience to those who dare to touch.

The collection is available now on, flagship stores and select outlets globally.

Read more: Rhuigi Villaseñor concludes his tenure at Bally after two seasons